Each session considers the key components of two corresponding chapters of The Antiracist School Leader: What to Know, Say, & Do.
Committing to an Antiracist School Vision
In this session, we will describe how school leaders recognize the roles that school policies and practices play in reinforcing systems of oppression that lead to disproportionate racial outcomes. You will consider how school leaders can assess the antiracist readiness of their staffs and themselves to determine entry points that support everyone’s learning. You will consider strategies, visuals, and communication practices that antiracist school leaders can use to share their antiracist visions with stakeholders.
Plan Professional Learning Experiences & Embrace Resistance
You will learn how to use backward design to create goals, strategies, activities, and milestones that shepherd learners toward the ultimate target—critical consciousness in students. You will consider options for developing assessments that help to monitor short-, intermediate-, and long-term progress. This session also provides current and aspiring antiracist school leaders with strategies to recognize resisters, understand their triggers, and prescribe responsive measures. You will learn how balancing whose perspectives get centered, recognizing intersectionality, and cultivating allies can reduce the likelihood of resistance.
Elevate Antiracist Curriculum, Instruction, and Evaluation
This session describes how educators can present educational opportunities that are connected to their students’ lived experiences and how they should be prepared to confront issues related to race and language. You will learn how to audit processes related to curricula selection, instructional practices, stakeholder relationship building, staff evaluation, and other aspects of teaching and learning. You will also identify some options for building a system of ongoing assessment that gauges the clarity of your plan and effectiveness of your strategies. You will hear about ways that school leaders have shared their data about their antiracist efforts in ways that clarified their intentions and motivated their school teams.